Exchange student.
Exchange student!
I started at Almeda School District a few months ago, I am an exchange student here. It is a big difference from home, I am still learning to handle the new rules.
At home we just have P.E, but here at Almeda school we can choose many more sports, like Cheerleading, tennis, volleyball and so on. We have a school team in almost every sport here, that is amusing. Sometimes we compete against other schools and it gets quite serious in the end but we all have a really great time.
The days I don´t have athletics I take the early bus home, but the days I have sports I take the late bus home.
Here I go to school by bus, in the mornings I constantly have to hurry so I don´t miss it, if I do, I have to walk or ride the bike to school. If I miss it, I usually be late and that´s not fun at all, If I come late I get detention, but it usually depends on how much I miss of the class.
Another thing that´s different from Sweden is that here you can join a club, for example math club, start a band or join a drama club. The clubs exists som that the students can meet new people,get connected and have fun together. I am going to a drama club every Tuesday and Friday, there we talk a lot, play games, and dramatize of course.
I think that that´s whats make school more fun, and I feel more motivated when I go here, unlike when I went to school in Sweden. I feel like I am learning and enjoying school more than I did back home. I have made a lot of new friends and I learn a lot from them, both from a language perspective and also about the American culture and other stuff.
Of course it is different here, the people, the food, culture and school. Because I am an exchange student and I make my own schedule. I can´t just pic Cheerleading and music, the schedule has to include some required subjects. That´s really nice I think, then you can do what you want and it´s more diverse and the school becomes more fun and exciting.
Here in the U.S we don´t have long breaks as we do in Sweden, I always have to check that I have all the books I need, with me. Sometimes when I sit in class I have forgotten my pen or book, and I wanted to go back and get them, but then the teachers usually get upset, and I would get a detention.
You buy your lunch here with your own money, like at a restaurant in Sweden. I usually buy a sandwiches, some salad, soda and one desert, for lunch. The food is really good and tasty.
I personally think that it is more fun to go to school here in the U.S because it is more varied school, and I get to do the things I like to. Here it´s not just school, it is clubs and sports included. In the middle of everything fun I am learning so much.
By: Fanny 8a.